The Most Amazing Caribbean Curry Chicken

Preparation time
30 mins
Cooking time
45 mins
8 people
Meal course
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3 cup
Water for paste
1 cup
2 tablespoon
Canola Oil
4 sprigs
cilantro - chopped very fine
1 tablespoon
Curry - Chief (see notes)
1 cup
Curry - Chief
4 cloves
garlic -minced
1 teaspoon
Salt - Kosher
1 teaspoon
Black pepper
1 teaspoon
Chief Garam Marsala
1 teaspoon
Chief Roasted ground Cumin
1 teaspoon
Tumeric - Powder
1 cup
Green Seasoning
1 cup
Lemon Juice - to rinse chicken
4 pounds
Chicken - rinsed, skinned and fat removed.
The Most Amazing Caribbean Curry Chicken

This is one of my favorite ways to prepare chicken. This is a recipe you will love , it’s not just any chicken recipe, it’s  The Most Amazing Caribbean Curry Chicken, well in my eyes and the taste-buds of everyone who has ever tasted my curry chicken.



You can use the curry paste or you can by pass this step..

Just add the curry right after the garlic and saute for about 30 seconds on low heat, then follow the same steps.

  1. Rinse Chicken with lemon juice. Place chicken in a bowl.
  2. Season with green seasoning, turmeric, cumin, Marsala, black pepper, 1 tablespoon curry powder and salt.
  3. Allow chicken to marinate at least two hours or overnight
  4. Curry Paste (optional) - Add ¼ cup curry powder to a bowl. Pour in ¾ cup water and stir until dissolved. SEE NOTES
  5. In a large skillet, heat the oil over medium-low heat. Pour in the curry paste and cook for 30 seconds , stirring constantly. Curry will start getting brown in color. If the mixture becomes too dry during cooking, add 2 tablespoon water.
  6. Add chicken. Stir to coat the chicken, making sure the chicken gets coated all over with the curry, save the remaining seasoning from the bowl.
  7. Cook, covered, on low heat for 15 minutes.
  8. Add remaining seasoning from bowl along with one cup water .STIR!
  9. Cook covered on medium high for about 20 to 25 minutes longer or until chicken is cooked through.
  10. Add chopped cilantro, stir in.
  11. At the end, be sure to taste and adjust salt and pepper if needed.

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